NodeLine | TwinLine | UltraLine | E-Series | StreamLine |
High Band | Tri-Sector | Small Cell.
Dekant representerer og er strategisk partner for Amphenol Antenna Solutions i Norge.
NodeLine Panel Antennas. It’s a TwinLine to which we add 1 or 2 band in the middle. The best solution to improve 4G and enable 5G.
TwinLine Panel Antennas. Quad antennas with two multiband arrays housed in an optimally designed package for low windload. Perfect for future-proofing sharing.
UltraLine Panel Antennas. Evolutionary antenna configuration that can allow up to five (5) different bands in one compact arrangement. Perfect for future-proofing a base.
E-Series Panel Annnaste. E-series are economic versions that offer a large non-interleaved panel of antennas according to your needs.
StreamLine Panel Antennas. Evolutionary antenna configuration that can allow up to five (5) different bands. Designed for enhanced MIMO performance.
High Band Panel Antennas. Ultra-wideband antennas designed to handle 2G, 3G networks and MIMO configurations for LTE on 1.7 / 2.1 / 2.6 networks.
Tri-Sector Antennas. Three-Sector antennas inside a small, low visual impact cylindrical enclosure. Discretely deployed as flag poles, roof-top vents, street lamps or telephone poles.
Small Cell Panel Antennas. Innovative wide band, dual band and tri band antenna configurations allow one distributed antenna system to serve multiple service providers with minimum visual impact.
RET Control Systems. Amphenol offers patented fully integrated RET control units. The RET control units add no additional length to the antenna and are field replaceable. No calibration is required. Each RET is configured for the antenna and pre-commissioned at the factory. The electrical downtilt indicator is always visible and manual control is always possible. AISG v2.0 / 3GPP and Ericsson protocols. Compatible with most BTS vendors.

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4511F001 | 4513Fxy2 | 5661302E | 5680302E | 5763470 | 5780400 | 5780470 | 5796400 | 5798400 | 5798470 | 5874400 | 5876400 | 5918300 | 5920300 | 5920370P | 5961400P | 5961470P | 5963400P | 5965400P | 5970300P | 5976600P | 5978600P | 5978600P-3 | 5980300P | 5980300P-3 | 5980400P | 5980470P | 5980470P-3 | 5980600P | 6133100 | 6175100 | 6176100 | 6177100 | 6177103 | 6177400 | 6177400E | 6177700 | 6177700E | 6798470 | 6800400 | 6800400E | 6827300 | 6829300 | 6861300 | 6863300 | 6876300 | 6876400 | 6878300 | 6878303 | 6880300 | 6880300E | 6881300 | 6888300 | 6888303 | 6888370 | 6888370-3 | 6890300E | 6896400 | 6898400 | 6898400E | MDCU | MDDU | E-Series Panel Antennas | High Band Panel Antennas | NodeLine Panel Antennas | RET Control Systems | Site Solutions | Small Cell Antennas | StreamLine Panel Antennas | Tri-Sector Antennas | TwinLine Panel Antennas | UltraLine Panel Antennas